Entries Tagged ‘iPhone 2.1’

Note to Apple: Fire your Backup Programmers, Get New Ones

I would love to report on the greatness of the iPhone 3G’s 2.1 firmware update, but I can’t, because for the last hour-plus, the little status bar showing backup progress has been running. My backup has never taken an hour. I also don’t think that the 9GB of data on my iPhone would even come […]

Apple’s Let’s Rock Event News

So lots of new stuff from Apple today. Hit the clicky thingie to read about new iPods, new iPod accessories, as well as iTunes 8 & iPhone 2.1 updates.

iPhone 2.1 Update in the Works, Needs to Address More Than GPS Stuff

Word on Blog Street is that Apple’s got iPhone 2.1 in the works, due for a September release, that includes features that would allow for GPS orientation. I hope there’s a new version of iTunes coming, too, because 7.7 is some buggy shtuff. Here then are 10 things that Apple needs to fix with both […]