Entries Tagged ‘bugs’

Sony Style Search Weirdness

Ever get the feeling that that fancy schmancy e-commerce site you’re on was copied / pasted from some other project? Sony might be feeling that right now. Go to http://www.sonystyle.com and do a search for something like a845, like I did when I was trying to find out information about the OLED-screened video Walkman. Yeah. […]

Thanks for Deleting All of My Playlists, iTunes!

So last night when I plugged in my iPhone I was notified that there was a minor iTunes update as well as a carrier settings update. I went ahead with both, of course. This morning, ready to face the world on this sunny but cold October day, I plugged in the audio cable in my […]

Customer Service Spanking: Intuit

Ok, true, there’s not much that can be considered entertaining about accounting software, especially if that accounting software is QuickBooks. On the other hand, many of you own or run your own small business and may be no stranger to this horrible piece of software. Intuit deserves a special place on the Customer Service Spanking list […]

iPhone 2.1 Update in the Works, Needs to Address More Than GPS Stuff

Word on Blog Street is that Apple’s got iPhone 2.1 in the works, due for a September release, that includes features that would allow for GPS orientation. I hope there’s a new version of iTunes coming, too, because 7.7 is some buggy shtuff. Here then are 10 things that Apple needs to fix with both […]