Entries Tagged ‘App Store’

iPhone 2.1 Update in the Works, Needs to Address More Than GPS Stuff

Word on Blog Street is that Apple’s got iPhone 2.1 in the works, due for a September release, that includes features that would allow for GPS orientation. I hope there’s a new version of iTunes coming, too, because 7.7 is some buggy shtuff. Here then are 10 things that Apple needs to fix with both […]

Our Favorite (non-time-wasting) iPhone App So Far!

Sure there are a zillion (read: ~900) iPhone apps in the App Store in this, the first week of the store’s existence. And sure, there are some great things in there like OneTap Movies, Bejeweled 2 (despite its tendency to reset the iPhone every other time it runs), G-Park and, of course, PhoneSaber. But these […]