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Um. Yeah. What can be said about this? It’s a clock. Built into a sort of, um, replica of an F1 racing car steering wheel. But one of the F1 cars sorta punctured through it. And lost its wheels. And its driver. And the other half of the car. In what seems to be an experiment in interdimensional travel gone wrong. Hit the clicky thingie for an even more disturbing picture and a possible explanation…

On Monday’s episode of Heroes, we were introduced to a new character who may end up being Robin to Sylar’s Batman: Luke, aka The Microwave Kid or NukeBoy as I like to call him (played by Dan Byrd). Based on the photograph below, I believe that Heroes may in fact be a subversive way of the New World Order leaking fantastic but true info into society in the form of entertainment, as it appears that both the clock and the, um, model displaying it in the photo below may have been subjected to NukeBoy’s powers.

Oh…and this thng is THREE FRICKIN FEET WIDE!!

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(my apologies for this post)

Yab Design via Gizmodo