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Remember that scene in Octopussy when Roger Moore pulled his little fold-up personal jet out of the back of a horse trailer and flew away, only to later require refueling at a local hillbilly gas stop? Well now you can be just about as cool, and infinitely more comfortable with Eclipse Aviation’s Eclipse 400 personal jet. Read about pricing and more after the clicky thingie…

It doesn’t fold up, but it seats four times as many people as Bond’s BD-5J Acrostar microjet, and the interior looks more like a luxury tourer than what you might expect in a personal jet. Eclipse refers to the seating as a 1+3 layout, referring of course to 1 pilot and 3 passengers, but that shot of the cockpit shows that you could indeed have two pilots and two passengers. Or two pilots and no passengers. Or just you and your own version of Honor Blackman sitting on the ground doing whatever you think would me more fun than actually flying.

However you fill, or don’t fill, the seats, once filled, you’ll be able to fly about 1,250 nautical miles before needing to “fill ‘er up”. And at a top speed of around 400mph at 41,000 feet. And all of this for $1.35 million means your swanky personal jet will stay exclusive.

Eclipse Aviation via Gizmodo