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Intel has revealed that their next processor family, formerly codenamed Nehalem, will be called the Core i7. I’m pretty happy that it’s a simple thing to remember, as all the Core 2 / Core Duo / Core 2 Duo / Core 2 Duo Extreme nonsense was getting on my (and probably lots of other peoples’) nerves. Making matters worse is that then there were also the individual processor numbers such as E2180, Q6700 etc. that I just didn’t have the energy to keep track of.

Of course, the Core i7 family is likely to have just as many silly and not-so-easy-to-remember variants, considering there’ll be different versions for servers, high-end desktops, mainstream desktops, laptops, etc.

I’m hoping that some other people out in the blogosphere claiming confusion re: the name are kidding, as “Intel 7th generation” seems a pretty likely source for the i7 name.